Biographical Drama “Invictus”: Movie Review

Invictus is a biographical film that tells the story of Nelson Mandela during the third Rugby World Cup 1995. The script is taken from John Carlin’s novel. This movie was not something I had planned to see. This paper will contain a summary of the film’s scenes that I found particularly interesting. I am going to respond to these scenes, but I also want to write a short reaction. It was difficult to summarize this film in so many sentences. The film has many scenes I want to highlight, but the summary will not exceed 500 words. The film’s biographical drama is about an episode in Nelson Mandela’s life. It is about his release from 27 years imprisonment. After that, he immediately starts fighting against apartheid and civil rights for the black majority. The players lose to South Africa in a devastating score. They express their dissatisfaction and know that South Africa is hosting the Rugby World Cup next season. Mandela organizes meetings with South African Sports Committee members who are majority black. The film showed the many challenges South Africans faced, as well as questions Mandela had. Nelson Mandela had the challenge of dealing with the problem of South African nation division, but he finally achieved his goal, and the South African Rugby team won the world championship. Although this is a quick summary, I think it’s enough to briefly describe his life. It is also possible to write and discuss the challenges he encountered along the way. But, I prefer to talk about a few scenes and share my feelings and thoughts. This article will use the first scene from the movie. It took me only a few minutes to get to it. Francois heard Nelson Mandela’s stories about Robben Island where Mandela spent many years in prison. Although Mandela admitted that his stay at Robben Island wasn’t very pleasant, he shared his experiences with Francois. This can be related to a discussion on the lines and life. I learned this lesson from a teacher in my school years. Because our choices affect the rest of our lives, competent leadership is necessary. The choices made in life are a reflection of the experiences that you have had. These can be both positive and negative.

The next scene of this film is a quote by William Henley. It’s words that left me speechless. Our protagonist doesn’t quit, he fights to the finish. These sentences were truely influenced by my life experiences. There were many times when I felt in terrible pain. But, I did not give up. It isn’t always as easy or smooth as we wish. When I feel down, I try not to dwell on the negative and instead look for the positive and focus on something that will make my day better. This poem shows that he does not allow negative events to affect him.

The scene that follows with William Henley’s poem against a background of familiar memories linking him to the prison is the last I want to share my reaction. The following song lyrics are especially memorable: “I am master of your fate/ I am captain of your soul.” These lines highlight the uniqueness within each person. It proves that we can control our destiny. All of this is possible if you do your best and continue in the same way. My view is that the misconception that life is controlled or managed by the government, the media, or any group is false. Your destiny and decisions are your own.


  • rosssaunders

    Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

rosssaunders Written by:

Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

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