Category: Literature Essays for Free

Ralph Waldo Emerson defines self-reliance in Self-Reliance as a person’s perception or interpretation of truth. Emerson declares, “Whatever is in my best interest, and not what others think, I will do.” He stresses the importance of individual dignity and believes …

Old-English poem Beowulf has a Nordic-Germanic origin. It tells the story of Beowulf who becomes king of the Geats and sacrifices himself to ensure their survival. Beowulf represents the quintessential warrior, who goes into battle to fight against evil. He …

Hope is the thing with feathers is the poem that I have chosen to explain. Emily Dickinson composed it in the year 1861. Poems of Emily Dickinson Second Series published it in the year 1891. The poem uses a bird …

The short story “A Sound of Thunder”, by Ray Bradbury tells the story of Eckels. Eckels pays $10,000 in order to travel back in time and hunt for animals. Eckels’ goal was to go back in time and hunt one …

Jane Eyre’s rude, spoiled and self-centered cousins are not suitable to be around her. This simple quote reveals all of Jane’s facets: she is passionate, angry and subtly confident. Charlotte Bronte’s story could easily continue in the same way. She …

Act 2’s dialogue reveals the effect of Paulina being tortured under the Chilean totalitarian past on her present life. This ambiguity is explored in Act 2 of Death and the Maiden, as Gerardo and Paulina express opposing opinions when confronting …

Shakespeare uses ‘weirdness’ a lot in Macbeth. It is not just the word itself that makes you think of the strange and unnatural, but its antonym as well. Macbeth’s actions and emotions become increasingly disjointed over the course of the …

Pygmalion is a play by Bernard Shaw that portrays a selfless woman from the lower classes living in an capitalist society. At the time, women of the lower class were considered inferior to the men from the upper classes and …

Social landscapes in 19th century Victorian England were shaped by rigid class hierarchies, social mores and rigid class structures. The wealthy and the poor were separated by a wide, unfeeling gap. Long-standing customs also solidified the prosperity of the generations …

Have you ever felt scared? It’s not a great feeling. Some people like to be scared. In stories that are meant to scare, a transformation is a key element. Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher”. The …