Main Character Of The Moment Before The Gun Went Off

Marmais van den Vyver, an Afrikaner farmer, is the protagonist. He accidentally kills one farm boy.

Other characters: Van der Vyver’s children and wife, Captain Beetge, Lucas and Lucas’ mother, Lucas and Lucas’ children, etc. These secondary characters were there to help Marmais van der Vyver relate to his tragic shooting of Lucas. He immediately took Lucas in his arms and went to the police station. After the accident, he gave a statement at the police station. He was shaking from the experience and cried. This is a good example of his sensitive side.

Van der Vyver’s positive qualities include his being respectful of others and an honest party member. He is shy and a good friend. “Everyone in the district recalls Marias van den Vyver as a little girl who would hide himself from anyone who caught him smiling at them.” Van der Vyver is a comedian “the farmer was almost laughing in relief, ready for tease.”

These are the characteristics that make van der Vyver a favorite of readers. The story is unique in the way that van der Vyver is portrayed by the author. The reader meets Van der Vyver and assumes he knows him well. As the story proceeds, the author will reveal more details to prove his mistake. Van der Vyver introduces himself as a leader of the party. He is reserved “”””this chilliness and reserve “”””.

The reader quickly realizes that van der Vyver is responsible for the death of his worker and that no one will believe his story “”””Marais. Marmais’ shyness is revealed and he regrets Lucas’s passing. The story is well-suited to the way the character was presented. It is not always what it appears to be.


  • rosssaunders

    Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

rosssaunders Written by:

Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

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