The Symbolic Use Of Art In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

The role of art in depicting society’s structure and different roles has been a key part of history. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde depicts a young Dorian Gray living a life dictated by art until he is morally insane and then dies. Wilde claims that “all art seems quite useless.” The novel’s preface reveals that art has the ability to control actions and define oneself. The impact that Dorian Gray’s portrait can have on its subject matter reveals how art definitely plays an important role within the lives its viewers.

The novel contains many statements by characters that appear to discredit the claims made in its preface. Chapter 7 is one such chapter, where Dorian examines the relationship of his life to the portrait. What was Dorian to do with that? It was the key to his life and his story. It had taught his to love himself. What would it do to him? It was a strange thing to see again. (99). It becomes obvious that Dorian is strangely affected and influenced by Basil’s paintings. Dorian asserts that the portrait “held his secret of life”, leading the reader to believe that Dorian, not the portrait, is responsible for his actions. Dorian’s everyday mistakes are shown in the portrait. It could be argued that Dorian’s soul may be linked to the painting. I would give anything for that, and that! Yes, there’s nothing I wouldn’t give in the entire world. I would sacrifice my life for this!” (30). Dorian is able to be connected to the painting with these foolish and irreversible words. What makes a man of such stature, who is supposed to view art as useless, feel the need to give up his soul in order to appear like the artist portraying him? Dorian’s life is influenced by the painting and it plays an important role in his decisions. Henry and other authors place emphasis on many art forms throughout Henry’s novel. This seems to be a counter argument. Dorian is influenced by many mediums, including literature and theater. Dorian is intrigued by the yellow book and starts to read it. It was the oddest book he’d ever seen (134). Dorian Gray is the subject of chapter 11 which describes how Dorian was affected by the book. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that Dorian never tried to get rid of it (137). Dorian seems fascinated by this information, as if it were something he had never seen before. Dorian also finds inspiration in theater. He is first captivated by Sybil Vane’s performance as Juliet. Sybil seduces him not because she is a girl, but because she does her roles well. It is clear that Dorian prefers art to loving other people. It is difficult to deny that love is strong emotion. Even if one loves an art form, it is impossible to be affected by it.

The Picture of Dorian Gray demonstrates that art can be a key part of how one lives their daily lives. Art can have a major impact on one’s mental and physical health. One’s life, however, is far more important than a picture. You should base your decisions on your feelings and not on any piece of art.


  • rosssaunders

    Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

rosssaunders Written by:

Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

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