Symbolism Of The Yellow Color In The Great Gatsby

F.S. The Great Gatsby by F.S. Fitzgerald features yellow as the dominant hue. It is used as a symbol of high society. Yellow symbolism isn’t just used by the wealthy; it also shows up in the midst of poverty. Although gold is a symbol of luxury and wealth, it also serves to show the corruption, greed, materialism, and insecurity that prevail among the wealthy.

The East’s high-flying society embodies all that is evil, corrupt, and ultimately, destruction. The ever-increasing need for materialism, money, is a hindrance to good character and morals. Jay Gatsby’s glittering parties are filled with yellow. Mr. Wilsons yellow house, on the other hand, portrays a sense hopelessness. Gatsby’s parties are filled with superficial attitudes and feelings. The party-goers wearing yellow dresses and “yellow cocktails” highlight this. These parties are not real, and yellow is a sign of greed. Individuals make luxury and wealth their priority. On the other side, Mr. Wilson’s yellow house indicates depravity. It also suggests a hopeless life. The yellow color yellow is not only found in the richest areas, but it also shows up in the desolate places. It may be that Myrtle Wilson’s greedy and corrupt ways are what gave Wilson his yellow house. The novel’s characters highlight the negative aspects of the color yellow. They are drawn to it by their actions, which mirror the idea that overindulgence and detainment can bring about. Her obsession with Tom is what led to her greedy and corrupt behavior. She was desperate to blend with wealthy people and climb up to a higher social status. On her deathbed, a yellow light was seen overhead. This was not a random light. It helped to reveal her true self. Myrtle was a slave to her materialistic lifestyle and considered that her first priority. Gatsby’s yellow car was a powerful metaphor for irony. She died because she wanted what she longed for. Gatsby’s yellow luxury car was a symbol of the materialistic goods she desired. It killed her. It is a metaphor for the corruption that caused her to lose her character. As her wealth increased, her personality changed from that of a loving wife and genuine car to one of superficial, arrogant snobs. While Myrtle can be seen as corrupt, the yellow yellow car really demonstrates her negativity. The yellow car introduces the outcome – the backfire from her twisted mind. The yellow car reflects Myrtle’s character change and is a reflection of her social class shift.

T.J. Eckleburg, also known as “God’s eyes”, gazes at the barren desert known as The Valley of Ashes with yellow spectacles. The spectacles aren’t actually yellow but the billboard exposes them to the yellow reflection. This reflection represents the gray, dull, boring, and shallow. T.J. Eckleburg sees the desolation in this reflection and believes that it is a society without ethics. This is a result of bad judgement and skewed beliefs. He is unable to act as a billboard and may feel helpless to do so. Perhaps this is because the yellow in his eyes is an unchangeable part of society. He addresses the billboard with the words, “Oh goad! Oh goad!” and he ponders the consequences of yellow’s destruction. In a way, Myrtle is the colour yellow. Eckleburg is still stoic, observing and indifferent.

Daisy’s symbolism and name also reflect the characters characteristics. The yellow petals may represent corruption or money, while the white petals could be symbolic of peace and innocence. These characteristics of Daisy’s flower match Daisy’s personality throughout her novel. Daisy initially appears innocent, but as we learn more about her corrupt nature and insatiable desire for money, we discover that she has a hidden agenda.

One’s attitude can be changed by changing one’s social class. The true yellow color of gold, which is also known as the golden color, does not imply negativity. It is simply a sign of luxury and wealth, which can be a good thing. The yellow is not how one character interacts with wealth, but how they face it. If one indulges beyond control, the yellow is what happens to the gold. Daisy doesn’t know that her corrupt, wealthy mindset defines her. This is evident in the way she speaks. She is inherently rich and her environment prioritizes being wealthy. Her child’s yellow hair is not a sign that she loves her girl, but a symbol of her ability to show off her wealth. The heart of a Daisy is also yellow. Although Daisy presents an exterior appearance of innocence and sweetness, her true nature is one of yellow greed. Fitzgerald uses both gold and yellow to represent wealth. However, yellow is used to indicate the evil qualities found in gold. Yellow is a universal color that is present in wealthy people. It symbolizes greed and corruption as well as the negative effects of materialism.


  • rosssaunders

    Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

rosssaunders Written by:

Ross Saunders is an educational blogger and professor, who has written extensively on topics such as education reform, online learning, and assessment. He has also spoken on the topic at various conferences and universities.

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